The driving force behind the project’s inception is retired businesswoman Lesley Maslen. She was very concerned about local families who may be struggling to provide nutritious meals when household budgets were so tight. Lesley imagined it being a short term project, however due to her drive and desire to help, Food For Families is busier than ever and diversifying all the time. Lesley has worked tirelessly to make FFF what it is today.
Jeanette is the bedrock of Food for Families, with over 22 years experience working in a school kitchen; she brings a wealth of cooking know-how but is also extremely hardworking, positive and funny. It's never a dull moment in the kitchen if Jeanette is cooking. With a 'can do' attitude, she works tirelessly with Lesley to make Food For Families a success.
Headteacher of one of our local schools, Jamie has been incredibly supportive of Food For Families right from the beginning, with his school being the first to sign up. A constant support and help to us, often helping to distribute the meals in the playground on a weekly basis.
Kat first became involved with Food For Families as the Morrisons Community Champion. She now works for local mental health charity, but as a keen supporter Kat lives locally and has a fantastic knowledge of the local community.
Married to a local business owner who had sponsored Food for Families, Rachael took a personal interest in supporting our cause. As a businesswoman in her own right, with her brand of children's vitamins, she was keen to be involved and help to support local families.
One of our main cooks, Carol has been with us from the start. She has a wealth of knowledge due to being a retired primary school and home economics teacher. She will be instrumental in launching and running our cookery classes, Let's Cook! Carol also features in our 'how to' videos on our YouTube channel
Another one of our cooks, Sue is a whizz in the kitchen. She has years of catering experience gained from working in school and commercial kitchens. A great baker and cake decorator, Sue also supports the local community as an active member of GRO.
Val has been part of FFF from the early days, she's a well known supporter of the local community. Always upbeat, Val is a great help in the kitchen whether it's preparing the meals or packing. Val is also our tombola queen and represents FFF at local fundraising events.
A retired ER nurse, Debbie is always calm and collected in the kitchen, super helpful, and not phased by anything! Debbie usually helps in the kitchen but will step up and help anywhere she is needed. Helping us to be zero heroes, Debbie deals with all our packaging, ensuring it is recycled.
Karen is an actress and voice over artist who features in the 'how to' videos on our YouTube channel, but on a weekly basis you can find her in the kitchen, helping prep the meals, pack them, wash up and generally helping where needed.
When she is not on duty at the West Vale Co-op, Tracy is also helping at Food For Families. Tracy is always ready to step in and help, and does a range of food prepping, packing, sorting the goody bags, cleaning and washing up.
As one half of a pair with her partner Paul, you will find Eileen labelling the bags for delivery or peeling and prepping veg ready for storage. Eileen is an intrepid traveller and is often globetrotting when not volunteering with FFF.
The quieter of the pair with Eileen, Paul can be relied upon to help us with labelling or peeling and prepping veg. He also enjoys travelling and exploring when not volunteering.
Tina joins us in the kitchen every week, she's a great all rounder prepping the food, arranging the goody bags, washing up etc. and giving us her pearls of wisdom.
Becky supports FFF in the kitchen despite being a nurse, volunteer at Project Colt and a barista who makes a mean coffee! She can be relied upon to help us with prep and cooking in the kitchen on a regular basis.
One of our new drivers
Happy to lend a hand in the kitchen
An ex-nurse and now a furniture restorer, Sarah offered to help where we needed, you'll have seen her delivering the summer lunches, now she'll be in the kitchen on a regular basis.
Working at Project Colt, Richard is often on hand to help with moving and lifting, a great help with our deliveries.
Maria works at Elland and District Food Bank with whom we have developed great networks, supporting each other where we can. Maria helps with our deliveries to schools on a rota basis.
One our new volunteers
As a local ward councillor, Chris is a great supporter of the local community and was keen to help out with FFF, and recently volunteered to be our Treasurer
Retired Headteacher, Graham, is always on hand to support in whatever way needed, be that dropping meals off at the schools or delivering education sessions to primary children, to name but a few things.
One our new volunteers, along with her husband Keith. They are willing to help in the kitchen with any jobs!
New to FFF, with his wife, Ruby, Keith is happy to help out where needed
New to FFF, Rachel is happy to help out where needed
Katie is in charge of logistics and the rota, planning it out seamlessly every month so our volunteers know where they need to be and when. Katie's husband Jez, is also a great supporter of FFF, helping out when needed.
As a retired technology teacher, Dave is our photographer and go-to when needing logos, images or generally anything IT.